Fast Turnaround
Quick turnaround times
for custom-made boxes.

Made in the UK
High-quality and locally
crafted wooden boxes.

Chalkboards UK and the Porter & Woodman Group
are commited to a sustainable future.
The Environment
Steps Towards Carbon Neutrality
Back in 2015 the company installed a large Biomass wood burner to convert the wood waste we produce to energy. Since then we have used no gas within two of our warehouses, and have massively reduced the waste we send to landfills. In 2016 we replaced old and inefficient gas boilers with modern combi-boilers.
Over the past two years, we have been replacing older lighting systems with LED across our warehouse and office space, significantly saving electricity usage. We've also converted our electricity supply to a 100% renewable source.
Our Environmental Commitments
Wherever possible, we use wood suppliers that conform to FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) guidelines. This ensures the purchase of high-quality timber in a sustainable manner with no net shift in the global Carbon budget. For more information see: http://www.fsc-uk.org/en-uk/about-fsc/who-is-fsc
The softwood we purchase comes from Scandinavian mills that are not only audited by the FSC but also subscribe to their own country's stringent environmental policies - more trees are planted than are cut down.
The contents of our hampers are sourced as locally as possible without compromising the quality of the goods. We support small suppliers of excellent quality products. We promote traditional and artisan methods of production, doing our best to keep local traditions alive and profitable.
Much of what we sell has a life well beyond "just packaging". Wooden crates, wicker baskets and 'Bag for Life's' have their own intrinsic value and are used around the home, office, or retail space to provide storage and presentation solutions.
Packaging and Waste:
Recycling: On-site, all waste paper, cardboard, plastic, and wood is recycled wherever possible, or used as fuel in the biomass burner, providing energy to heat the warehouses. We have given all staff personal drinks containers to promote our views on sustainability and have removed plastic glasses from our sites.
E-mails and Printing - all staff are encouraged not to print out received e-mails and documents unless absolutely necessary. When printing documents, both sides of the paper are used to reduce paper waste.
Packaging: We use a selection of the following: Crumpled paper - 100% recycled, recyclable and biodegradable. Airstrips – recycled air cushions which reduce plastic pollution and landfill. Bubble wrap and bags are made from recycled materials. Baskets – willow, seagrass, and bamboo from entirely renewable resources. Outer boxes - made from 100% recyclable cardboard.
Transport and Delivery:
We rely on a variety of overnight courier services, ensuring efficient use of logistics. We also employ a co-operative system with our suppliers, where deliveries to the same or nearby destinations are combined, eliminating duplicated journeys.